
Young Writers Society

Rory Carlisle

Photo of Rory Carlisle

About Rory Carlisle

I'm nineteen years old, and a college sophomore at Brigham Young University - Idaho, but when I'm not at school I live at home in Virginia. I spend most of my time either writing or drawing. Singing is my way of being silly and letting of steam. I have three beautiful cats; Pickles, Kiwi, and Zorro, who all like to sleep on my face at night. Twizzlers are my guilty pleasure, and I'm kind of obsessed with the show House, M.D. I've been writing since I was old enough to pick up a pen, and I'm not going to stop now. I'm a HUGE musical theatre geek; I was in all of the shows my high school put on, including my favorite, "Beauty and the Beast." Even though I never had a lead role, music, drama, and art have all had an enormous impact on my life.

"Rory Carlisle" is a pen name.


Reading, writing, drawing, sleeping, eating, singing, dancing, watching movies, House, M.D.





If you are tired remember it's a sign that you haven't expired
— fatherfig